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Sat, 05 Mar



Marine Biology Webinar 11: Impact of Noise on Marine Organisms

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Marine Biology Webinar 11: Impact of Noise on Marine Organisms
Marine Biology Webinar 11: Impact of Noise on Marine Organisms

Time & Location

05 Mar 2022, 10:00 – 11:00 CET


About the event

Bahasa Indonesia di bawah.

In our second webinar in 2022 we addres the topic of ocean noise. Boat engines, construction underwater, military sonars and seismic air guns are all sources of sound that may impact marine organisms. Some noise stress can cause physical damage such as injuries to the inner ear of fish. Other sound sources may cause behavioural alteration, disturbing the natural balance in an ecosystem and overlaying communication through natural sound.

In the last years, the knowledge on potential impacts has been growing and we will talk about the most important findings and their consequences in the next webinar.

Sign up for free to join in for this session! The webinar will be at 10 am Central European Time (grap a cup of coffee, Europeans!), 16 pm West Indonesian Time, 17 pm Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, 18 pm East Indonesian Time (Banda, Ambon).

The webinar will be held via Zoom. Please register to receive the login details.

We're looking forward to seeing you online!

Dalam webinar kedua kami di tahun 2022, kami membahas topik kebisingan laut. Mesin kapal, konstruksi bawah air, sonar militer, dan senapan angin seismik adalah sumber suara yang dapat berdampak pada organisme laut. Beberapa stres kebisingan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan fisik seperti cedera pada telinga bagian dalam ikan. Sumber suara lain dapat menyebabkan perubahan perilaku, mengganggu keseimbangan alam dalam suatu ekosistem dan menutupi komunikasi melalui suara alam.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pengetahuan tentang dampak potensial telah berkembang dan kami akan berbicara tentang temuan terpenting dan konsekuensinya di webinar berikutnya.

Daftar gratis untuk bergabung dalam sesi ini!  Pukul 10 pagi Waktu Eropa Tengah (ambil secangkir kopi, orang Eropa!), 16 malam Waktu Indonesia Barat, 17 malam Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Singapura, 18 malam Waktu Indonesia Timur (Banda, Ambon).

Webinar akan diadakan melalui Zoom. Silakan mendaftar untuk menerima detail login.

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